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Mirror, Mirror On The Wall - Who Is The Bloggiest Of Them All? #Da Management.

Left to Right: Les Titford, Paul Milligan, Dek Robinson and John Bobin.

Greetings from the planet Da Management.

We have three gigs in October 2023, at which earthlings can enjoy dancing, singing and having fun, each at lovely clubs. Why not come to all of them? Details are in the calendar section of this website. You all know what to expect. We play 50s, 60s and 70s classics -Music From the Golden Era Of Pop .

If you haven't been to see us lately, you will be pleased to know that we have injected some new songs into our ever burgeoning repertoire. (When we say new, we do mean old, of course, but just new to us. That's our bag!)

Two guarantees: No backing tracks, and definitely no rap. (Heaven!) We have slipped in two songs that we like, but which come from later years. That means they are slightly old, rather then really old (like the rest of our deliberately retro sets.)

Mickey Jupp wrote a song called Modern Music, including the line, "They Don't Write Songs Like That No More." How right he was. If you can tell us which songs are newer than normal, send us a message. No prizes. We just want to see how soon they can be identified by our lovely audience members.

We love the songs we play. We love the places at which we appear. We love to see old friends and to make new ones.

If you are on Facebook and haven't followed our band page yet, please do the deed!

Love and kisses

Da Management


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